
2020年10月29日—Winner.ArtifactoryandProGetwinsthiscategorybyasmallmarginastheyprovideanevaluationperiodtwiceaslargeasNexus.Thespeedof ...,2021年5月6日—JFrogArtifactorywinsprimarilyintermsofarchitecture,systemrequirements,andmonitoringmechanisms,whileNexusRepositoryManageris ...,Sonatypestandsoutforitsrobustsecurityandcustomizablepermissions,whileJFrogispraisedforitshigh-qualitystoragecapabilit...

Artifactory vs Nexus vs ProGet

2020年10月29日 — Winner. Artifactory and ProGet wins this category by a small margin as they provide an evaluation period twice as large as Nexus. The speed of ...

DevOps tools comparison

2021年5月6日 — JFrog Artifactory wins primarily in terms of architecture, system requirements, and monitoring mechanisms, while Nexus Repository Manager is ...

JFrog Artifactory vs. Sonatype Nexus Repository comparison

Sonatype stands out for its robust security and customizable permissions, while JFrog is praised for its high-quality storage capabilities and ease of use.

JFrog Artifactory Vs. Sonatype Nexus

2021年2月5日 — JFrog HA is a true high availability solution and is not limited to any number of nodes and can scale without degradation of performance. In ...

JFrog vs Sonatype Comparison

Companies looking to migrate away from Nexus often move to JFrog Artifactory or the complete JFrog Platform as a solution to manage the lifecycle of binaries.

Nexus Repository vs JFrog Artifactory Comparison

The Sonatype Platform is 80% more accurate than JFrog. Teams feel empowered to innovate with complete pipeline control and our world-class support. Match the ...

Nexus vs. Artifactory

2020年2月28日 — Atifactory has a far better REST API (and has often been ahead on feature development, though it seems like Nexus does catch up over time).

Sonatype Nexus Repository® versus JFrog Artifactory

The Sonatype Nexus Repository Platform is 80% more accurate than JFrog. · Store and Manage binaries · Binary Vulnerability Scanning · Firewall Perimeter Protection.

Which is the best artifactory manager between Sonatype ...

2020年8月19日 — Considering it all, I personally prefer jfrog artifactory because of its fast build time and easy settings generation. But Sonatype Nexus ...

[Discussion] Sonatype Nexus vs JFrog Artifactory

2022年7月31日 — Cost wise Nexus seems to be more affordable, since the cost is determined by the number of users compared to JFrog's model based on artifacts. I ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
